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The Raqs Sharqi Museum Patrons
The biggest thanks to the patrons of the museum!
Thanks to you, the online version is alive.
Adrianne Curran
Bambi Sahab
Celadon Wood
Chrystelle Ferrara
Hanan Radici
Heather Ward (Nisaa)
Helen Verkooij
Jelena Jusis
Jolanda Slot-Krol (Raniya)
Juniper Nichols
Keita Wangari
Kenya Kinyozi
Kristel van Osch
Leana Art of Bellydance
Lina Geoushy
Lisa S Da Silva
Lorena Galeano
Lorna Little
Manuela Bellydance
Margarita Kamjaka
Martina Cancio
Muhannad Said
Nadine Hassanin
Natasa Kocar
Patricia Arpasova
Shilpa Nair
Siobhan Camille
Tereza Sheyla Klementová
Tsvetoslava Peneva

Support us
We are fully invested in gathering new historical items to create an interesting collection. Do you want to support us and our museum?
You can become a patron of the museum!
Your financial contribution will help the museum to grow and support us in posting items and articles online.
Thanks for your support, it helps a lot!
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